Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Gringa madness

Looks like we are going to have to rent Espacio Riesgo for the next gringa get together. Hahaha. I can't believe how many gringas there are here and with blogs! Kyle's started a movement. We are coming out of the woodwork or something.

I was at a baby shower the other day for a friend..the baby shower was delightfully co-ed. When have you ever drinken straight rum at a baby shower? I did, and it was a very tasty Venezuelan rum. Anyway, there was this Thai girl there, Porn Pian -I know quite the name, she knows what it means in English and goes by it anyway. We were talking a bit about living in Chile and she said there are only 30 Thai people living in Chile. I was like, no there's got to be more, and she said she'd talked to people at her embassy and they only knew of 30. That's not exactly our situation, is it?

1 comment:

Mamacita Chilena said...

Holy crap!!!!! 30?!? That's NUTS. Makes me feel very happy and fortunate to have you all to hang out with.

I totally agree with something you wrote in a comment on my blog, Heather. When I started hanging out with you guys I recovered a missing part of my identity that I didn't even know I had lost!